Monday, 15 April 2013

I, Robot and others

A belated second post but I have been engaging in some spring time DIY and spending time with the kids over the Easter holiday which has delayed my reading. I have however completed I, Robot The Rest of the Robots and The Complete Robot, and am currently half way through Robot Dreams.

I am also reading short stories by Arthur C Clarke (Of Time and Stars) when I have a spare half hour.

I rarely read an extended sequence of books from the same author or theme. However I am glad that I have with the Robot books and I intend to carry on through to Robots and Empire.

Asimov was clearly very intelligent. The development of the 3 laws although very simple on their own are a definite exhibition of his capability. The possibilities with their interpretation and the scenarios where conflict occurs are infinite. It is therefore slightly sad that I am more than half way through the series and coming to realise there are less opportunities to read these inventive and humorous tales.

Some stories could be perceived as formulaic, but Asimov lays it all out and each ends with conclusion that leaves little head scratching at what might have happened.

If I had to pick favourites from each they would be:

I, Robot - Reason
The Rest of the Robots - Victory Unintentional
The Complete Robot - True Love

"Breeds there a Man..?" from Robot Dreams has a feel of Philip K Dick about it. Having only read a small portion of Asimov's work this does already feel like a story 'against the norm'. As i enjoy a good PKD story and his bizarre realities this was a very good read.

You can probably already tell that I'm not a writer, but this is about sharing some analysis of my interests and a place to record thoughts on what I'm reading before it disappears.

Until the next time..

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