This DIY lark has seriously impinged on my spare time and my capacity to get through my To Be Read pile. So much so that I have read only a few chapters of The Naked Sun since before the holiday weekend. That is now complete (and a review will follow, if you can call it a review. It will probably be a synopsis with some commentary on my thoughts) but I really need to up the ante as I have been on ebay again!
When it comes to books my tendencies lean towards OCD. The problem I have (if you can call it a problem) is I Like Books, I Like Them a Lot (substitute Books for Mary).
It is one reason why I don't read using a Kindle type device. It just doesn't feel right. As a book enthusiast rather than a casual reader I would get no pleasure from an electronic version of any of the books in this image.
I think I am turning into a collector too, and will buy or try to buy all of an authors work having read none or only one or two of their books. Partly because I want to read more of their work and partly because I want to have a library where I can pick and choose what I read next. For example I have 9 Robert Heinlein but I am yet to read any, or I have only read The Day of the Triffids but have 7 other John Wyndham to read.
There are over 100 books in my TBR pile not all of which are Sci-Fi, but the majority are. Quite a few are collections of short stories that will be quick reads because of duplication. But at my current rate this would take 4 years to get through, so I'll stop writing now, I can't read and write....
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